Timeless Tarot

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Intuitive or Traditional Tarot? How About Both…

Anyone involved in the world of Tarot is aware of the trend towards “Intuitive Reading”. Often this refers to reading the cards based on how the picture depicted on each card makes you feel, rather than the traditional archetypical meanings. While this is not an invalid way of reading, I believe knowledge of the traditional meanings and archetypes of the cards is essential.

So why do I call my Tarot practice Intuitive if I’m an advocate for the traditional meanings and methods of reading? I do so because for me, Intuition is deeper than “this card makes me think of making money” … it’s clearing my mind of my own “stuff” during a reading, focusing solely on the energy of the querant (client) and allowing my inner-knowing to take over. This is the Intuitive part of my readings, and it can flow freely because the traditional esoteric meanings of each Tarot card are the firm foundation. We cannot move forward without knowing our past, and once we learn and embrace the teachings of the past, we come to see it’s wisdom and relevance to the now. Fashions and technology may change, but human nature does not, and the Tarot understands this.

I value my studies of traditional Tarot, Astrology, Energy Healing, and all things esoteric as the base of knowledge that informs my Intuition and allows me to apply this knowledge to our modern timeline. The Tarot strips away the boundaries of time and space and cuts right to our fundamental humanity. So I encourage readers and querants alike to embrace how each card makes you feel, but then look deeper to what it’s trying to tell you… the information is timeless.

  • Sabrina