My Timeless Story
My journey into Tarot was born from a really bad year… I was looking for a way to start fresh one New Year’s Eve almost a decade ago now. By chance (or synchronicity, as I discovered later) I came across a social media post about burning sage in your home to clear away the negative energy cobwebs. The concept behind the practice was intriguing, and it couldn’t hurt right? So I ordered a set of sage sticks that arrived on New Years’ Eve, complete with an abalone shell and feather. Then after midnight struck and we had all wished each other a Happy New Year, I proceeded to confuse and amuse my family by going room to room juggling my smoking stick of sage, feather, and shell. I was skeptical, and my kids thought I was super-weird… but it worked.
That next year I was drawn into learning more about the energy within and around us, which led to my study of Reiki. This study, and my first Attunement, set me on a path of intense spiritual awakening (I’m Italian and a Scorpio, so I do everything intensely!!). That was a truly great year, full of learning and new experiences.
As I followed the synchronistic path any spiritual awakening inevitably takes you down, I submerged myself in studying all things esoteric… meditation, energy healing, sound healing, Tarot, astrology, quantum field theory, consciousness, Gnosticism, Hermeticism… you name it, and I studied it. Being a pragmatic Scorpio, I did not need to be counseled on the use of discretion when exploring the metaphysical - I remained open but unimpressed unless a concept or practice could prove its roots were sunk deep into science or nature and truly resonated with me.
During this period, I learned to fine-tune my Intuition - the voice I had previously thought of as just the inner-dialogue forever playing in my head. This “my voice but not exactly my voice” has been with me since childhood and always has some very interesting things to say, but I never really understood it’s meaning or purpose.
Each subject I studied led to another…But all the while, it was the Tarot deck that stayed in my hands as a strong and tangible catalyst for my Intuition. A fellow Tarot reader once describe the practice for her as “making order out of Chaos”. This phrase spoke to me deeply… In my mind I saw the image of a funnel leading from the Field of Everything (as I think of the unseen universe), down to each card and its meaning. Yes! This was how it worked for me! In time the concept gave my own practice the definition and clarity I needed to then share it with others.
I began creating the Timeless Tarot website years ago after a pretty clear Intuitive nudge to expand the scope of my work, but the site would go untouched for months at a time, as I was happy with my practice the way it was. But when Intuition is ignored, it seldom remains quiet. It nagged. Then it finally shouted. “Tarot has no boundaries!!”
Only after doing my first online test reading for a friend did I truly believe. The moment I hit record and began the reading, I fell into the same zone. The same Intuitive state of connection I would feel with a Querant sitting across from me. There really were NO boundaries!
Now, three years from the date I first began this project, I am finally launching the Timeless Tarot website. I still do readings in person, but only for family and friends - Timeless Tarot is my focus now and you, my fellow seekers everywhere, are my inspiration.
Thank you for sharing the journey with me.
- Sabrina