My Tarot Boundaries

The Seven of Wands speaks to me of strong boundaries, and standing your ground when others attempt to challenge them. We all need to define our own moral and ethical code of conduct in all things… life, love, and our professional work. As a Tarot Reader this goes without question because how are we to work with others with only the intention of their higher good without clear moral and ethical boundaries?

Having read the Tarot for some years now, these boundaries evolve quite naturally from live-and-learn experiences sitting before the cards and the clients, navigating every sort of question and expectation a human can conceive of. Soon a reader learns what questions lead to opportunities to learn and grow, and which questions are best left to the querant alone, a medical professional, legal professional or your Higher Power or confessor. Sound serious? It is. So let me take a moment to define my own Boundaries as a Tarot Reader. This list is not exhaustive, as it only applies to online readings. Put a Tarot Reader in an in-person or party setting, and there are additional facets to the gem.


As a Tarot Reader I will NOT read for questions involving:

  • Time or Place of death for the querant or a loved one

  • Diagnosis or Treatments of a medical condition

  • Legal situations or Legal advice

  • Predictions about pregnancy or the sex of a baby

  • Questions involving suicide or intent to harm others

  • Questions involving physical or sexual abuse

  • Involvement in criminal or illegal behavior

As the Querant, you have to have a crucial boundary to maintain as well - to remember that you are ultimately responsible for your own mind, body, and decisions.

Always keep in mind, and as you will hear me open every reading advising: A Tarot reading is a snapshot in time. If you do not like what the cards are telling you (or what you are telling yourself more precisely) then you have the all the power you need to make the changes in your life to avoid those outcomes. YOU HAVE THE POWER. The cards have none - they are simply a tool of communication between you and your subconscious/Higher Self.

Time as a human construct tends to trap us into thinking that the past cannot be changed, the future is inevitable and out of our control, and the present circumstances we find ourselves in are unending. None of this is true. One place there are no boundaries is realm of time. So allow yourself to know that a reading that makes no sense to you now may actually be speaking to the past where healing needs to be done (retro causality… it’s a thing), or to a future that you cannot yet fathom or foresee. Look back on your reading from time to time to see what has unfolded - I promise you will be surprised.

  • Sabrina


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